E-2 visas stand: Remaining routes to lawful US residency
While emerging markets and low-income countries continue to battle growing debt distress, the world’s elites continue to vie for US access to live, work, invest, and gain higher education.
The US continues to remain the world’s largest economy and tops The Reuters list of The World’s Most Innovative Universities with eight out of the top ten schools.
With the Trump Administration suspending yet another round of United States visa categories in late June, few options remain to gain that access. Would be immigrants have found themselves looking at narrowed access to the number one destination in the world.
It all began back in April of this year, when a presidential proclamation seeking to reduce the admission of workers who pose a risk of displacing and disadvantaging United States workers limited most issuance of new immigrant visas. That now extends to EB-2, EB-3, and popular nonimmigrant categories like H-1B, H-2B, J, and L-1 visas.
These changes have left those seeking US residency, who are not immediate relatives of US citizens, providing the food supply chain, or medical professionals combating the spread of COVID-19, with few remaining options.
Conversely, the Trump Administration has protected programs such as the EB-5 Immigrant Investor and the E-2 Treaty Investor, which are vital to the economy and the national interest.
Both programs create jobs and spur investment into the US Economy, stated priorities of the administration.
US Residency: Grenada and E-2 visa unison create an unique opportunity
Under the E-2 program, in addition to the main applicant, the applicant’s spouse and children under 21 years of age enjoy E-2 dependent visas. The dependent spouse can obtain authorisation to work anywhere in the United States while E-2 dependent children study in the US free of charge through high school and even have the opportunity to enjoy in-state tuition fees at public colleges and universities. In addition, the E-2 is a non-immigrant visa, so the investor may not automatically fall into the remit of the US worldwide taxation system.
The E-2 program requires that the investor be at least a 50% owner of the US enterprise, but many investors, while savvy in their own countries, often don’t understand how to go about obtaining permits and dealing with other complications such as US HR obligations.
FirstPathway Partners, who has specialised in securing US visas for over a decade, assists investors in owning a popular franchise restaurant chain called Teriyaki Madness, facilitating their necessity to invest in a business in the US without the operational nuisances of launching an independent venture. Instead of making a lot of expensive mistakes, our company takes care of all the details, freeing you up to develop and direct the business from an ownership level and get your family settled in the USA.
While some countries, like Chinese and Indian, nationals are excluded from the list of treaty countries eligible for participation in the E-2 program, alternate E-2 eligible citizenships such as Grenada, which currently ranks number one in CBI investment programmes worldwide, remains available to almost all countries, amid the pandemic.
In addition to the ability to participate in the E-2 program, investors taking part in the Grenada CBI programme enjoy the widest visa-free travel benefits among like-options, comprising more than 130 countries including the UK, Schengen, China, and Russia. All this is available with expeditious processing, reasonable fees, and passport security through thorough due diligence on applicants.
Mohammed Asaria, the Managing Director of Range Developments, who has assisted over 1,600 families from across the globe with their citizenship by investment journeys finds that “Those who are seeking a safe haven are waking up to the idea that it [Grenada] is an affordable option, with an arrangement where you can get an E-2 visa and start a new life,” Asaria continues. “I could open a business in San Diego and move my family there within six to nine months.”
This combination of Grenada citizenship through the CBI programme in unison with the E-2 visa allots for expedited processing times and therefore a faster entry into the United States, as well as potential conversion into an EB-5 visa, all while residing in the US.
FirstPathway Partners, 311 East Chicago Street, Suite 510, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Office: +1 (414) 431-0742 / www.firstpathway.com
by Robert W. Kraft
President of IIUSA Board of Directors and Chairman / CEO of
FirstPathway Partners LLC.